Thursday 7 June 2012


Today has to be one of the worst days I've had in a long time.  It is day 3 of a new cycle and super heavy.

I woke a few times during the night because I had to go to the bathroom, there wasn't a great deal of pain, just discomfort and heavy bleeding with clots.

So I got up this morning for work and actually left a little earlier than usual as I needed to stop at the supermarket on the way to get some cash out and buy something for lunch.  As I stepped out of the car I felt that all too familiar gush as a series of large blood clots moved from my uterus and past my cervix.  I walked as calmly and gingerly as possible into the supermarket and found the ladies' toilets.  My pad was soaked through and my trousers (dark blue, thankfully) were covered in blood.

I had to phone my supervisor at work and tell her what happened and that I couldn't come into work.  She was most sympathetic as this had also happened the previous cycle while I was at work and she had sent me home.  While talking to her today I was crying, partly because I am still fairly new at my job and I don't want to be fired for losing time off work, and partly because each time this happens it is embarrassing and upsetting, it is another reminder of my fertility issues, my miscarriages, my advanced maternal age (37) and how useless and incompetent I feel.

My supervisor kindly reassured me that I am not going to lose my job and she told me to go home and rest.  I am so lucky to have her and not some unsympathetic old man!

So I drove home and as I was walking from the car to the house, I flooded my pad AGAIN.  It has never happened in such quick succession before which has really frightened me.  Why is this happening so often?

Tomorrow I will try to see a Dr and find out what he/she can do to help temporarily.  After that I think it's time to sit down and write out a plan of action to help get my menstrual issues under control.  One of the main antagonists is probably my excess weight so that really needs to be addressed first.  I have an idea in my head, it is a combination of weight loss methods which I am going to tailor for my personal situation.

Stay tuned and thanks for reading this far.

xo B

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