Saturday 16 June 2012


Although I joined the GM website yesterday, I have actually been implementing some of Jon's recommendations for a week or two.  All I have basically been doing is adding protein (whey powder) and two generous spoonfuls of chia seeds (Omega 3) to my cereal each morning.

I have also been experimenting with almond milk, I made a batch last week but really didn't like the taste, so I made a new batch this morning but this time I added a couple of Medjella dates to give it a bit of sweetness.  The dates make the almond milk much more palatable!

Then for a midday snack (I didn't feel like eating a whole meal) I had a piece of toast (wholemeal, home baked and without all those nasty additives like the supermarket stuff!) with peanut butter (protein), a nectarine (live food!) and a couple of handfuls of pistachio nuts.

Dinner was a home made mushroom lasagne which was really tasty (and surprisingly, my husband really enjoyed - I really didn't think he'd like it!).  Should have had a salad with it but we'd just thrown out a heap of out-of-date food so lettuce on its own is pretty bland.

Oh and the other thing I did today was make sure I drank lots of water with a squeeze of lemon juice.

The most remarkable thing about today was that I didn't have any real cravings for chocolate.  Normally, if I opened a bag of Crunchie Rocks, I'd want to scoff the whole lot in one sitting.  Instead, I had just a few then put the bag back in the fridge.  VICTORY!!!

Tomorrow I am back at work for a day, then I have 2 weeks off to dedicate to looking after myself and reading the GM book again, checking out the forums and start whipping up some delicious recipes.

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