Coconut oil has had a pretty bad rap for years because it contains saturated fat. Saturated fats are actually really good for us!
However, I have been doing my research, there is a ton of information all over the internet about the nourishing and healing benefits of coconut oil.
It turns out that we have all been deceived about the saturated fat in coconut oil being harmful.
Coconut oil is composed primarily of medium- and short-chain fatty acids. The medium-chain fatty acids are broken down and used mostly for energy production - thus they produce energy NOT FAT.
They have no negative effect on blood cholesterol, in fact MCFA's have been proven to INCREASE the good cholesterol (known as HDL) and help protect against heart disease!
Saturated fats are not vulnerable to oxidation and free radical formation like unsaturated fats. Saturated fats remain stable even when heated to normal cooking temperatures, and coconut oil is by far the safest oil to use in cooking, though you must ensure that you use temperatures - the easiest way to know you are cooking the oil at a safe temperature is to avoid letting the oil smoke.
In fact the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil give it unique properties and make it the healthiest oil of them all.
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) oils are oils composed of 100% medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). These are derived from coconut or palm kernel oils. Coconut and MCT oils are used in hospitals to treat malabsorption syndrome and burnt or severely ill patients, among others.
Coconut/MCT oil has been an important ingredient in baby formulas and especially in treating premature babies. PREMATURE BABIES!!! This is because coconut oil contains lauric acid which is converted to monolauric acid, the same stuff found in a mother's breast milk.
The MCFAs in coconut oil are lauric acid (48%), caprylic acid (8%)and capric acid (7%). However, coconut oil contains "a complete set of MCFAs", "provides a balance of several fatty acids rather than just two" and is a completely natural product.
South Sea islanders, whose traditional diet consists mostly of coconut products, are extremely healthy - those who have stuck to this diet, that is, and who haven't begun to consume Western junk food.
MCFAs from coconut oil can "kill bacteria and viruses that cause influenza, herpes, bladder infections, gum diseases and numerous other conditions". It acts as an antioxidant and protects the heart and arteries from injury "caused by bacteria, viruses and free radicals". Heart disease rates in India tripled when people were advised to stop eating coconut oil since it caused heart disease (!?) and instead started to consume margarine and processed vegetable oils. Fungal and yeast infections can also be cured by coconut oil.
Coconut oil contributes to healing innumerable disorders, including digestive and nutrient absorption disorders, Crohn's disease. osteoporosis, gallbladder disease, viral infections, AIDS, cancer, diabetes, liver disease and prostate enlargement. It provides valuable nourishment for new-born babies.
I bought some extra virgin coconut oil from the health food store recently and have already used it as an oil for a stir fry and also in my smoothie (see previous post for the recipe). I only used a tablespoon of oil each time as I wasn't sure how it would taste. A few days later and I have been able to increase my intake of oil to 3 tablespoons a day.
The verdict? It was absolutely fine in the stir fry (Chicken Pad Thai), I couldn't taste the oil at all. I can, however, taste it in the smoothie but it is quite subtle and therefore easy to drink. I did try taking the oil by itself, just to see how it tasted... I don't recommend it unless you are a real fan of coconuts! I wasn't quite prepared for how strong the taste is.
I have also been using coconut water in my smoothies or just on its own with a squeeze of lemon juice. The pure stuff has an acquired taste but not terrible by any means. I have also tried a canned version of coconut water but it tasted really sweet. I think the culprit was either added Vitamin C or the coconut water was from a fresh coconut.
I will be reviewing a book about the benefits of coconut oil very soon. Stay tuned!
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